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I'm an older dude with a lot of opinions. I try to hold them up to the light of my Christian faith and a biblical worldview. It doesn't always work. But to whatever degree I am successful, what I write should be that much more relevant and worthwhile to whoever wanders into this corner of cyberspace to read it.


I've done a fair amount in my near 70 years of life: traveled widely, carpentry, missionary and international aid work, academics and, of course, writing. Yet, by far the greatest "achievement" and what I am most proud of is the family I am part of. It is such an incredible privilege to be a husband and a father. It is not so much an accomplishment as a sacred gift, which, along with my faith, has become inseparably interwoven into the fabric of what gives meaning and purpose to my life.


As my pilrim's journey continues - however long or short that may be - my deepest desire is that every endeavor within each fleeting day will be meaningful in the eyes of our loving God. Only to the degree that this blog falls within the parameters of his kingdom purposes will it have any merit whatsoever, and be worthy of your time.


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